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ABOUT P.N. Central Academy

P.N. Central Academy is different in many ways in comparision to several other popular schools.P.N. Central Academy. P.N. Central Academy Mahuadih, Saidabad, Prayagraj was established in 2016 and it is managed by the Pvt. Unaided. It is located in Rural area. It is located in Mahuadih, Saidabad, Prayagraj District of Uttar Pradesh. Our mission is to impart value-oriented Quality Education with emphasis on National Integration to develop children as good human beings with well rounded personality,scientific mindset and a global outlook. Quality education calls for involvement of our stake-holders : management, teachers, students, parents and the community in our mission and we are committed to continually improving our quality management system .Our Mission is to create a generation of educationally equipped, knowledge-wise leading, socially responsible, morally agile and career-wise self evolving human capital that goes along and at the same time leads the society and nation to new heights and destinations. We wish to establish our institution as a place which has its role in creating the most efficient, responsible, erudite, agile, disciplined and creative future generations through the best infrastructure, powerful learning methodology, 360 degrees personality development, motivating and energizing environment and 100 percent feedback based system from the guardians, students and the mentors.

MD Message

Speedy growth and elevation of the school is the outcome of the trust and confidence...Read More

Principal Message

Speedy growth and elevation of the school is the outcome of the trust and confidence...Read More

Best Features

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Core Values

Skill Development through individual speciality:
We wish to extract the best of skills from a student keeping in mind that every child has a separate and special set of talent that when put in the right direction through right momentum creates the whole new environment of positivity in the society
Moral Values and Discipline:
The fundamental values of punctuality, respect, personal hygiene, social responsiveness and cleanliness are to be rightly inculcated in a child in the right age with right methodology and example based learning. We have created an environment where the basic personal and social values are inculcated and the children are enriched with the moral values at every stage.
Structured Academics:
Our structured and powerful learning methodology coupled with the well researched and structured academic calendar based on the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) under the able mentorship of well trained and professional teachers is the core of the institution.

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विद्वान्सर्वत्र पूज्यते" (A knowledgable person is worshipped everywhere)
Original Shloka:
विद्वत्त्वं च नृपत्वं च नैव तुल्यं कदाचन ।
स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते ॥

Aims & Objectivel

Childhood is the stage of life when the door opens and lets NVPS the future in.....
Children are our most valuable gifts from God. We aim at an all round harmonious development of abilities and capabilities in each and every child. The kindergarten reflects the true of object of education- to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives. We strive to impart knowledge not only of facts, but also of values
There are only two lasting bequests we can give our children.
1:One being roots
2:The other wings- to spread and explore the world!

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Learning Centre

Learning Centre comprises Junior LC( Classes Nursery to V) and Senior LC( Classes VI- X) .Learning Centre has been an integral part of the school since the school’s inception in 1998. It focuses on a holistic curriculum which not only addresses concerns related to academics, socio – emotional , physio – motor , speech and linguistic area but also in developing pre- vocational skills of the child to keep pace with the formal system of education. A team of professionals devises the same, suiting the child’s needs and ability to absorb and apply the information given to him/her. The junior and senior school learning centres persevere continuously so as to allow these gifted children to overcome challenges. Along with guiding them in their academics, they are also groomed in another quintessential aspect, which is imbibing the values of a good Sanskritian, and in turn a good samaritian. This combination allows them to simultaneously excel in academics and co-curricular fields, which render them capable of fulfilling their goals.


Staff Focuses On Team Work & Collaboration To Best Meet The Needs Of The Students. Regular Subject Teachers On-Call Counsellor Specialized In Child Psychology Specialist In Library Cum Media Centre Full Time Specialists In Art. Physical Education, Vocal Music And Computers.

Our Vision

Develop curiosity and wide interest in intellectual matters at an early age. Include a variety of learning tasks in the day to day activities. As some students prefer to learn by discovering rather than by authority. Bring more stimulate into the learning experience. Ask question with elicit or original responses develop progressive warm up for talent from simple to complex. Avoid giving examples when seeking creative effort. Provide opportunities for imaginative activities. Provide time for the full development of pupils of slow-starters. To allow pupils to hold tasks, discussing seminars, symposia inside the school campus etc. And to see that every item necessary the purpose referred to might be easily available whenever the occasion demands.

Our Mission

To ensure that students attain a reasonable lable of competency in three languages expercise of the sprit of individual excellence and freedom, manifestation of creative consciousness and appreciation prove literacy and cultural programmes. To equip the school with latest scientific and technological gadets that would promote peoples creative brilliance. To provide opportunity for people close contact with there teacher who might significant ignite there student creative thinking through there contribution in an effective manner. The children come to school for their total personality development and not just to gather some information or be literate researches have shown.

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