cbse schools in ALLAHABAD
Mr. Santosh Tiwari

Speedy growth and elevation of the school is the outcome of the trust and confidence, reposed in us by the parents, with regard to quality education, being imparted to their wards. Here I will like to mention some salient distinguishable features of our school as below :

Managing Director P.N. Central Academy is the fructification of a long cherished dream. I always wanted to touch people's life through education. I have always believed that an Investment in Knowledge pays the Best Interest. The reason of founding a school is to generate profits in the Human, Societal and National sense. In a school, we work on the biggest capital of All-HUMAN CAPITAL. What a school takes from the society is not very important - What a school returns to the society is of paramount importance. And the school gets only ONE chance! There are no retakes, no second chances.P.N. Central Academy we an act of FAITH assure you that team P.N. Central Academy and I personally will leave no stone unturned to uphold your faith. I could write so much about what we have to offer to your child in terms of faculty, facilities, technology and infrastructure. But that is not the intention behind this message. As the Managing Director P.N. Central Academy. I wish to assure you that we will work on your child. We will spare no effort in our sincere endeavour towards making your child realize his/her true potential. And when the time comes for your child to spread his/her wings and take off in the sky of this world; I assure you that you will feel thankful and proud that you sent your child to us..

The Managing Director, himself gives special attention to each and every student, whose class and home-work copies are thoroughly checked each month in order to evaluate the progress in each subject and raise the standard to the desired level of competency. Extra and remedial classes, absolutely free of any charge are also conducted by our own teachers to help the students to make up their deficiencies. We adopt a liberal view in granting admission to candidates unless there are congent reasons to refuse it.

Last but not the least, we seek co-operation and confidence of the parents which inspires us to impart excellent education to their wards and infuse moral values and high sense of discipline in them.